Moleskine notebooks are the darling of the notebook world. They are beloved by writers, artists, and compulsive list makers all over the globe. People swear by them and now, they’ve taken a step in the digital direction with the Smart Writing Set, the notebook and pen combination that digitizes your work as you write it.
There have been a few products in the past that let you easily take your physical world creations and port them into the digital one. This one does so while you’re writing. It doesn’t just work with anything though. The pen works in conjunction with the specialty dotted paper to record your doddles and notes.
The pen itself charges via USB and has auto on and off to make things easy. You also need to have the app installed to have something for your notes to show up in. The pen sends the information to your phone or tablet right away. Once you’re done writing on the page, you can use the app to search, share, or review your notes. The Smart Writing Set is $199.