Posts by tag: energy

Eco Friendly December 18, 2018 posted by

HERU – turn your waste into power

If you live in a home, chances are, you produce a lot of waste which just ends up in a landfill someday. It’s one of the trappings of modern life. Instead of just tossing all that out, you can burn it and get some energy out of it with the HERU, a new, unconventional, energy solution.

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HERU – turn your waste into power
Gadgets October 24, 2016 posted by

Jiko Power – the device that turns fire into electricity

People see mobile devices as a luxury but the reality is, mobile devices connect the world and are the only link into the global network that many people in developed nations or not, have. So for people who don’t have access to stable electricity, keeping that connection can be difficult. The Jiko Power converts fire into energy so no matter where you are, you can stay connected.

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Jiko Power – the device that turns fire into electricity