There is a ton of plastic in the world and a lot of it is single use. Think plastic bags and water bottles. What we do with these items after their usefulness is over is something that science is struggling with. A new process has turned plastic into oil but don’t get too excited yet.
Read MorePosts by tag: pollution
How To Help The Ocean – make it more exciting, and not with beach trips
The ocean is really important and it’s not having a great time with all the pollution and what not. But there are some ways that we can help the ocean and as it turns out, it’s not really based just in making better choices with trash. Helping the ocean calls for making it more attractive to people.
Read MoreMicroplastics In Our Food – these little bits of plastic are everywhere, even in us
Microplastics are everywhere. We talk about them all the time but it’s true, these tiny bits of plastic debris are being found in just about every body of water and on every bit of land, even extremely remote and uninhabited locations, and as a consequence of that, even in the food we eat.
Read MorePlastic is Finding Its Way Everywhere – bottles washed up on remote island in the Atlantic
If you’ve been reading us for a any length of time then you’re aware of the plastic problem in the ocean. You’re also likely aware that the plastic that finds its way into the water can and does stick around for a long time. But it isn’t all old trash washing up on shore. Scientists have found fairly new waste on a remote island and that’s a sign that we need to do better.
Read MoreBring Your Own (Milk) Bottle – shop cuts plastic by offering refillable glass
You can cut down your plastic use in a million different ways. One shop wants to give their customers another outlet by offering milk in reusable, glass bottles. Like a coffee machine where you bring your own cup only this is milk.
Read MoreChemicals Found in Dolphins – invisible pollution has consequences
There’s a lot of discussion about the pollution that we can see, namely plastic in most cases. But lets not forget that it’s not just the bags that are a problem for the environment, we use a lot of chemicals and those chemicals are getting into the ecosystem too. A new study has found very high levels of toxic chemicals in bottle-nose dolphins.
Read MorePlastic Roads – from bags to blacktop
There’s a lot of plastic in the world and most of it ends up in landfills and the environment, not in a recycling center. This is a very bad thing. One solution is to just take some of that plastic and make roads out of it.
Read MoreDenmark Moves to Ban PFAS – the potentially harmful chemical is on food wrappers and clothing
The chemicals that keep food packaging from getting greasy and clothes from getting stained is potentially harmful to humans and animals so Denmark is moving to ban them completely. This move may not be successful but it is a powerful statement for the environment and health.
Read MorePlastic Eating Enzymes – not science fiction
Plastic pollution is a big problem. It would be great if it could be broken down into something harmless that could be reused in other products or at least into less harmful. Two young scientists have zeroed in on a solution that turns it into CO2 and water.
Read MoreCan You Recycle That – check out this guide to see what to do what that plastic
Plastic recycling is hard. It’s time we all admitted it. It’s not as easy as just tossing your plastic into the right bin. Most people end up with a lot of plastic just from grocery shopping and not all of these can be recycled. This handy guide will let you know what can and can’t be recycled.
Read MoreKenyan Plastic Bag Ban – two years on, there are some ups and downs
Plastic bag bans are much talked about but do they really work? Kenya banned plastic carrier bags two years ago and so far, it’s been pretty positive. If for nothing else, plastic bags have stopped showing up in cows’ stomachs.
Read MoreConsume Less for Emissions Goals – how we shop and eat matters
Changing over to electric cars and renewable energy sources are great ways to battle climate change but they’re not all we need to do to make a difference. According to Prof Sir Ian Boyd, chief environment scientist for the UK, you’ve gotta consume way less stuff.
Read MoreMicroplastics Found in the Arctic – plastic found in the snow
The Arctic is generally considered to be of the most pristine environment left on Earth, free from the touch of human hands but this isn’t really the case as even there they’ve found plastic and rubber particles in the snow so guess that leaves nothing at all we haven’t touched.
Read MoreGoogle Commits To Sustainable Manufacturing – recycled plastics will be in all their hardware by 2022
Google is jumping on the sustainable bandwagon and pledging to use recycled materials in all of it’s hardware by 2022 and by 2020 for it’s deliveries to be carbon neutral. A tech giant of such caliber taking a stand against emissions and pollution are solid steps in the right direction.
Read MoreTeen Discovers New Way To Clean Microplastics – project removes 87% of microplastics from water
Microplastics in the water supply is a big problem. Despite the material being tiny, tiny, the issue is quickly making it’s way up the food chain and endangering us all. An Irish teenager created a way to remove up to 87% of the microplastics from water.
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