High heels are not the most comfortable shoes to wear but beauty is pain, right? Well it doesn’t have to be, get a better fit for you heels with True Gault, the service that sizes your shoes for just your feet.
These shoes are custom made for your feet and only your feet. Sure your BFF who wears the same size might be able to slip into these but they’ll feel strange. Everyone has that pair of shoes that they’ve been wearing forever and has conformed to their foot. These heels are like that but it happens right from the first time you try them on.
You use the iPhone app to scan your feet and input measurements to get the perfect size. From there you design the shoes you want. You can have heels from two to four inches in height, a variety of colors, and your choices of leather or fabric. For people who trouble with shoes, this site can solve all their heel problems. Prices vary on design.