There are times when you just need to get something off of your chest. We all have big emotions but we all don’t have support networks willing to listen to us when we need it. Vent is an app and social sharing network that gives you space to really let it all out.
This app lets you choose your emotion from a sea of possible choices and then post about what you’re going through. Whether it’s “I’m hungry and my boyfriend ate the plums I was saving and left me this lame note to tell me he’s sorry (he’s not sorry),” or if it’s more emotional such as, “It’s five in the afternoon and I always think of my friend that passed at five in the afternoon,” Vent is the place to tell it and get support.
Users can offer words of encouragement to help you get through a tough time or simply let you know they feel you because they know EXACTLY what you’re going through. If you need an outlet for your feelings, Vent is a free app on Apple and Android.