Monthly Archives: February 2014

but is it art? February 5, 2014 posted by

Fred & Friends LEAFKEEPERS Cable Ties

There are plenty of wireless devices in use these days but cords still dominate the landscape. Ugly, ugly cords running wild over everything, while getting tangled up in other cords. There’s a way to tame the creepy cord creatures that add a little nature to your home or office environment at the same time.

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Fred & Friends LEAFKEEPERS Cable Ties
music February 4, 2014 posted by

Monocle Speaker

I say, dear boy, would you happen to have any Grey Poupon? No? Well, how about a speaker that will allow me to listen to some fly jams that rock my world?

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Monocle Speaker
Cool Web Apps & Sites February 4, 2014 posted by

DuckDuckGo Search Engine – When Google is a dirty word in your book

We live in a Google world, with the Big G even replacing the word, ‘search.’ Admit it. You’ve heard at least one person recently say they were going to Google something, right? However, there are still plenty of rebels out there who refuse to bend to the status quo. They desire marching to the beat of a different drummer, and this search engine is for them.

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DuckDuckGo Search Engine – When Google is a dirty word in your book