Monthly Archives: November 2019

Eco Friendly November 22, 2019 posted by

LESS – the toilet coating that saves water

In order to save water, many people have turned to taking shorter (and sometimes less) showers. That’s great but there’s another spot in your bathroom where you could save. Your toilet. Some people just flush less but if that doesn’t seem like something you would be good with, there may be some hope in the future. LESS is a coating that makes the inside of your toilet so slippery nothing can stick to it.

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LESS – the toilet coating that saves water
Electric Cars November 21, 2019 posted by

Electric Car Battery that Charges in 10 Minutes – new battery developed for fast charging of cars

One of the things that keeps electric cars from hitting it big is the problem with the battery. It takes a while to recharge. An hour or more to get 200-300 miles worth of driving time out of them. An hour to charge your phone, fine, but could you imagine waiting an hour at the gas pump? New technology may have cut this time down to minutes.

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Electric Car Battery that Charges in 10 Minutes – new battery developed for fast charging of cars