Posts by Category: diy

Do it yourself, dude!

diy May 27, 2011 posted by

Make your own X-Wing soapbox derby car for $75

When you think of a soapbox derby race, you imagine of a bunch of little kids decking out wagons, and watching them try not to crash into hay bails. Well if you went to the 2011 Nazareth Adult Soapbox Derby, you would’ve seen essentially the same thing, except they’re all adults, and have much more interesting cars. If you’re a Star Wars fan and have a dream to someday race as a X-Wing pilot, you’ll be glad to know that…

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Make your own X-Wing soapbox derby car for $75
diy May 25, 2011 posted by

Brew your own root beer at home

I love going out to eat, mostly because it means I don’t have to put any effort into cooking. However, nothing quite beats a home cooked meal. Part of it is the taste, but also knowing that you put effort into the crafting of the meal makes it taste that much better. But what about your drinks, how many of those do you actually make to go with your meals? Things like coffee and tea are pretty common to make…

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Brew your own root beer at home
Awesome May 24, 2011 posted by

Use your old CD-R spindle case to make the perfect hamburgers

With the warmer months upon us, there’s nothing more delicious than something cooked out on the grill. Hamburgers are always a nice go-to, as they don’t take a lot of prep work, and taste wonderful. The most difficult part is rolling out the right size patties, as you want to get them just that right size. Well you’ve probably got the perfect tool to assist you with this task sitting in your house, and you don’t even know it. You’d…

Continue Reading »Use your old CD-R spindle case to make the perfect hamburgers
Use your old CD-R spindle case to make the perfect hamburgers
diy May 24, 2011 posted by

Use a contact lens case to easily store your earbuds

When you want to listen to music on the go, the easiest output device is usually a set of earbuds. They are very small, and generally provide a pretty decent sound (depending on which ones you choose). The biggest complaint I have about them is that no matter how tightly you wrap them up, they are always a tangled mess when you remove them from your pocket. So how does one keep the cord nice and neat? One of the…

Continue Reading »Use a contact lens case to easily store your earbuds
Use a contact lens case to easily store your earbuds
diy May 23, 2011 posted by

DIY Project brings a new meaning to the term potter’s wheel

Half of the fun of making art is the process that you go through. There is something liberating about putting a pencil to paper, or slinging paint of a canvas that is freeing. Unfortunately, some forms of artistic expression require very specialized tools, which can be costly. So what do you do when you want to start creating something, but don’t have the right tools? Why, you make them, of course! A nice potter’s wheel can easily set you back…

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DIY Project brings a new meaning to the term potter’s wheel
diy May 20, 2011 posted by

Vacuum-seal cheap Ziploc bags to make your food last longer.

When you need to save food for long periods of time, one of the smarter ways is to vacuum-seal it. This gets out all of the air, which helps to preserve the contents for much longer than other traditional storage methods. Unfortunately, doing this usually requires the use of special hardware and bags, which can cost more than you really want to spend. Of course, there’s always the DIY route, if you want to get the best of both worlds….

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Vacuum-seal cheap Ziploc bags to make your food last longer.
Awesome May 19, 2011 posted by

Build your own Gorilla Pod tripod

I have a small GorillaPod, which is a great little tripod that you can take anywhere. The best part is that it will work on just about any surface, due to its unique design. If you’ve ever wanted one of these, but didn’t want to go out and buy one, you’re in luck. Thanks to one Instructables user, you can build your own, without spending much cash. The DIY guide has you use Loc-Line modular hosing, some bolts and scrap…

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Build your own Gorilla Pod tripod
Awesome May 18, 2011 posted by

RcSuperhero will make your kids believe that flying is possible

It’s a bird! It’s plane! No, it’s not Superman. However, if you want to give the neighborhood children something to cheer at, then you’ll love this RcSuperhero. This strange craft is shaped just like a fully grown adult, measuring in at 75-inches long. This flying superhero is extremely lightweight at only 3 pounds. Combined with 6lbs of thrust, it can do a vertical takeoff with no problem at all. What makes this more or less appealing (depending on your point…

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RcSuperhero will make your kids believe that flying is possible
diy May 18, 2011 posted by

Tiny Skee Ball Machine brings out the kid in you

Going to places like Chuck E. Cheese’s and Mr. Gatti’s as kids always meant a good time was on its way. Running around and playing games to win fantastic prizes for a few hours made our lives as children that much more magical. As adults, we look back on those days with fondness, but don’t think we can really fork out money to go to the adult Chuck E. Cheese’s known as Dave and Busters. Simply because we have to…

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Tiny Skee Ball Machine brings out the kid in you
diy May 17, 2011 posted by

Hang your posters using magnets

There are some times when you see someone do something, and you think to yourself �why didn’t I think of that?� It’s usually some clever little trick that doesn’t require a lot of effort, but yields great results. Take, for instance, the act of hanging a picture or poster on your wall. Frames are a nice way to go, but they are expensive. You can try push-pins or Sticky Tack, but those will harm the paper. So what other option…

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Hang your posters using magnets
diy May 16, 2011 posted by

Steampunk Mr. Potato Head

I think most kids owned a Mr. Potato Head at some point in their lives. It was a fun toy, as you could pick from a variety of clothing pieces and parts, and switch them all around. Well, what would have happened if this lovable toy existed in the fictional time period known as the steampunk era? Apparently it would look something like the picture above. This Steampunk Mr. Potato Head might not have all of the fun interchangeable parts…

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Steampunk Mr. Potato Head
cool tech May 16, 2011 posted by

Build your own snail mail notifier

This generation is spoiled with its methods for instant communication. Emails, texts and IMs arrive mere seconds after they were sent, and even come with a wonderful notification sound. However, if you still use snail mail for anything important, it can take days to show up in your mailbox, and there is no notification whatsoever. Well, not unless you decide to make one yourself, that is. There is a great guide over at MAKE that can tell you how to…

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Build your own snail mail notifier
diy May 13, 2011 posted by

Replace the stereo connector on your headphones with ease

I think we’ve all been there before. You go to reach for your favorite headphones, only to find that they have suffered a terrible fate. One of the most common ailments of headphones and speakers is that the cable becomes severed. Around my house, dogs tend to be the cause behind this. So what do you do when the cable gets all chewed up? Splicing the cable back together is a simple task, however, if you have to replace the…

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Replace the stereo connector on your headphones with ease
diy May 13, 2011 posted by

Build a hanging desk to maximize your space

If you’re a college student living in a dorm, then you truly understand what it means to live in a small space. When you have to share a tiny room with another person, every square inch counts. Lofts are very common to find in these places, as they allow you to take advantage of the space underneath your bed, by raising it several feet off of the ground. You can always stick a desk under there, but finding one that’s…

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Build a hanging desk to maximize your space
Awesome May 12, 2011 posted by

Make a cheap orbital sander from an old electric toothbrush

When you’re working on a project with a lot of detail, sandpaper can be your friend. It helps to file down an uneven surface until it is nice and smooth. Unfortunately if you’re working on something with a lot of small details, it can be difficult and time-consuming to use just a tiny bit of sandpaper on a small area. However, using an old electric toothbrush, you can make a great detail sander for next to nothing. The idea behind…

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Make a cheap orbital sander from an old electric toothbrush