Posts by Category: diy

Do it yourself, dude!

diy June 27, 2011 posted by

Clean your keyboard in the dishwasher

Look down at your keyboard. There’s a good chance that it is the dirtiest thing in your room. It’s possible that it is even one of the dirtiest objects in your entire house. Think about it, how many things have you touched shortly before typing something? When was the last time you actually took the time to really clean it? Most people do little more than wipe off their keyboards with some sort of cleaning wipe. While that can disinfect…

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Clean your keyboard in the dishwasher
diy June 24, 2011 posted by

Turn an old computer power supply into a workbench power supply

If you do a fair amount of tinkering with electronics, then there’s a good chance that at some point you’ve found yourself needing a good way to get power to your project. Sure, you can use batteries, but if you’re only using them for testing purposes, you can burn through a lot of them. Another option is to buy a desktop power supply, which lets you route power at a specific voltage and current to whatever you’re working on. The…

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Turn an old computer power supply into a workbench power supply
diy June 23, 2011 posted by

Turn an old book into a bedside lamp

My bedroom is the one part of my house that contains very few gadgets. Only iPhone dock and bedside lamp reside in that room, and aside from the overhead light, fan and smoke detector (which come with the room), there are no other electronics. Since I’m surrounded by technology for the rest of my day, I feel the need to minimize the amount in my sleeping quarters. I do keep thinking that I need something a little more interesting for…

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Turn an old book into a bedside lamp
diy June 20, 2011 posted by

Turn your old paperback books in to a room divider

Here’s a fun fact for you. Apparently there is no good way to recycle the paper from paperback books. They use low-quality paper, and in order to do anything with them, they have to go through the process of removing the glue from the spine. Thus, nearly all paperback books will eventually end up in a dump somewhere. Sure, when we get rid of books, we like to donate them to Goodwill, or even a school. However, why not actually…

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Turn your old paperback books in to a room divider
diy June 15, 2011 posted by

Make a phone-line powered flashlight for when the power goes out

Whenever the power goes out, I tend to reach for my phone to use as a temporary flashlight. I then begin the hunt for real flashlights and candles. Unfortunately, I rarely remember to purchase candles and batteries when I’m at the store, so I usually have to ride out the storm with almost no light. Wouldn’t it be great if you had a light that would work, even if the power was off, and didn’t require batteries? Believe it or…

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Make a phone-line powered flashlight for when the power goes out
diy June 14, 2011 posted by

Make your PC case more cable-friendly with this DIY tip

If you’ve ever assembled your own PC, you’ve no doubt discovered just how many cables there are on the inside. I’m the type of person that will spend a half hour routing wires so that the end result is as clean and free of clutter as possible. It helps when the case I’m working with has holes for cable management. Unfortunately not all cases have these, and if you don’t have the budget for a new chassis, you’re stuck with…

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Make your PC case more cable-friendly with this DIY tip
diy June 13, 2011 posted by

Use crayons to fill in cracks in your floor

It’s been many years since I used a crayon for anything. Usually if I want color, I’ll turn to colored pencils or pens. However, it would seem that making colorful creations aren’t the only thing these sticks of wax are good for. As it turns out, they are quite useful for filling in cracks and holes in your floor. Now you aren’t going to color over the crack to make it go away. Instead, if you put the crayon in…

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Use crayons to fill in cracks in your floor
cool tech June 8, 2011 posted by

I-Neck holds your iPad with your neck

Want to build those bulging muscles on your neck just like how a bodybuilder or someone buff looks like? You can do it the old fashioned way of working out in the gym, but there is a more discrete manner of getting it done as well – by carrying your iPad 2 around your neck with the $30 I-Neck from Etsy. This unique iPad necklace, if you can call it that, will feature robust vinyl construction, an adjustable length, nylon…

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I-Neck holds your iPad with your neck
but is it art? June 3, 2011 posted by

Cables And You: The Solution

Everyday, you walk around at home not knowing what to do with the plethora of cables that is all jumbled up in several areas of your home. It can be very stressful to come across such a mess on a regular basis. What if I told you that there was a way to fix it, and all you needed was some cheap super glue and some mounting tape? A DIYer by the name of Palle Olsen mounted his PS3 on…

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Cables And You: The Solution
diy June 3, 2011 posted by

Make a Joule Thief to get the last drops out of your AA batteries

If you had to total up the number of AA batteries in your house, you’d probably end up with a pretty decent number. Rechargeable batteries are great, as they have a longer life than their disposable counterparts. However, some devices such as TV remotes don’t use enough power to really justify spending the extra money for rechargeables. So what do you do when it’s time to throw away those old AA’s? Well, you might be surprised to know that even…

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Make a Joule Thief to get the last drops out of your AA batteries
diy June 2, 2011 posted by

Modify your laptop bag to rest on your back, rather than your side

I have a love/hate relationship with laptop bags. I enjoy the look of my over-the-shoulder messenger bag, but it’s not the most comfortable thing in the world if I have to carry it around for long periods. Alternatively, I have a nice backpack that is much more comfortable, but is bulky and doesn’t quite give off that professional look that I want. Well if you want the best of both worlds, you can actually convert your messenger-style bag into one…

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Modify your laptop bag to rest on your back, rather than your side
diy June 1, 2011 posted by

Turn a desk lamp into a swinging mic stand

If you do a lot of audio recording, you obviously need a good mic. Along with having the right audio input device, you need to be able to position it correctly. The easiest way to do this is with a nice swing arm stand. These allow you to place the mic exactly where you want it to be, with very little effort. The trouble is that such stands usually cost a pretty penny. However, lamps that use a similar system…

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Turn a desk lamp into a swinging mic stand
diy May 31, 2011 posted by

Brighten up your old flash using toothpaste

Any photographer that takes their work (or hobby) seriously will tell you how important lighting is to your pictures. They will also tell you that the tiny flash that came attached to your DSLR isn’t powerful or versatile enough for many situations. Thus, you’ll end up buying a separate flash, and using it for a lot of your shots. However, after years of use, you might start to think that it isn’t quite as bright as it used to be….

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Brighten up your old flash using toothpaste
but is it art? May 30, 2011 posted by

Ollie – The autonomous robotic blimp

Going to the office wouldn’t be so bad if you had someone interesting to talk to. The person in the cubicle next to you has some very interesting stories about what they had for lunch, but sometimes you just want a friendship in the workplace that doesn’t require you to listen to long, boring stories. The best companion you could find would likely be a robot, but you have the problem of not knowing how to make one. Especially one…

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Ollie – The autonomous robotic blimp
diy May 30, 2011 posted by

Take advantage of knee walls by building in a set of shelves

Have you ever noticed that whenever you move into a larger place, you seem to� run out of space almost as quickly as you did before? It’s a strange phenomenon that seems to fill us with the urge to make use of all of the room available to us in a living space. Thus, we are always looking for new ways to fit more stuff in the existing space. One option you have is to fit shelving units into your…

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Take advantage of knee walls by building in a set of shelves