Posts by Category: diy

Do it yourself, dude!

Awesome May 11, 2011 posted by

DIY robot really doesn’t want to be switched on

There are lots of robots out there with only one function, and that is to turn itself off as soon as you try and turn it on. Now I’ve seen a few of these devices before, but this box has a lot more personality than most other box-type bots out there. This particular box was created to not only shut itself off, but go nuts after it has been turned on too many times. It will literally scoot away from…

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DIY robot really doesn’t want to be switched on
Awesome May 11, 2011 posted by

Wake up to the scent of bacon with this DIY alarm clock

There aren’t a lot of things in this world that make me want to get out of bed in the morning. It’s not that I have no motivation in life, I just really don’t like mornings. So how does a person with such a strong dislike of the AM hours get themselves out of bed when the sun is first shining? With the wonderful scent of bacon, that’s how! Unfortunately if you live alone, you’re going to have to get…

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Wake up to the scent of bacon with this DIY alarm clock
but is it art? May 10, 2011 posted by

DIY clock lets you put your favorite LP on the wall

If you’re in the market for a new clock, there are limitless choices out there. From plain and boring to the extravagant, the possibilities are endless. However, that perfect timepiece might end up costing you a pretty penny. Sometimes it’s better to just make your own, which will get you the perfect look and a low price. If you are a music lover, you might check out this quick and easy guide to making a clock out of an old…

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DIY clock lets you put your favorite LP on the wall
Awesome May 9, 2011 posted by

Learn how to make your own DIY Capacitor

DIY projects are great for a number of reasons. Not only do you (generally) end up with something that costs a fraction of what you’d pay at the store, but you also get a great sense of accomplishment. Knowing that you built something with your bare hands is one of the best feelings out there. (Plus you get full bragging rights with your friends.) Well, sometimes one of the most difficult parts about such projects is understanding the basics. That’s…

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Learn how to make your own DIY Capacitor
Awesome May 6, 2011 posted by

Build your own Sunrise Alarm Clock

The worst part about waking up is the annoying sound that your alarm makes. It really doesn’t even matter what sound the alarm is emitting, as almost any sound is annoying when it disturbs you from your slumber. So what’s the best way to wake up? Some might argue that having a light slowly brighten a room (simulating a sunrise) is the best, and most natural way to wake in the morning. There are even a number of clocks that…

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Build your own Sunrise Alarm Clock
diy May 5, 2011 posted by

Organize your spare cables with toilet paper rolls

If you’re a pack rat like me, you probably have a ton of cables lying around. After all, everyone knows that the moment you get rid of something, you’ll find a use for it. The trouble with keeping a bunch of cables is that organizing them can be a pain. I personally have a set of drawers that keeps them separated well enough to keep me happy. If you’re looking for a way to keep them separated without needing to…

Continue Reading »Organize your spare cables with toilet paper rolls
Organize your spare cables with toilet paper rolls
Awesome May 4, 2011 posted by

Build your own DIY texture projector for professional-looking portraits

We’ve all had portraits done for school yearbooks, and seen the the backdrops that they use. Some were physical curtains that they would position behind you, but others used a blank canvas, with an image projected onto it, which seems like a more efficient way to do things. If you’re doing portrait shots for someone, wouldn’t it be nice if you could recreate this same effect? You can, and without dropping a lot of money. This DIY guide will show…

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Build your own DIY texture projector for professional-looking portraits
Awesome May 4, 2011 posted by

InMojo is like the Etsy for open source hardware

If you are a hardware or gadget freak who loves hand-made open source hardware, you may want to take a look at inMojo. It is very much like the handmade item marketplace named Etsy, but will give you a very specific audience. InMojo is a great way to find great parts for upcoming projects, and even sell creations of your very own. There are a number of special features for sellers such as attribution tracking, licensing and marketing support, special…

Continue Reading »InMojo is like the Etsy for open source hardware
InMojo is like the Etsy for open source hardware
Awesome May 3, 2011 posted by

North Paw – wearable anklet converts your body into an instant super compass

North Paw is a battery powered anklet gizmo, which turns your body into a living compass. That’s right, once you strap one of these babies to your leg, you’ll always be able to point to the North with unerring accuracy. How does it work? Well there’s a bunch of cell phone vibrating motors inside the main capsule, along with a magnetic North sensing control unit. Power it up and bingo, you’re Mr TomTom hisself with ‘superhuman’ navigation skills. The whole DIY…

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diy May 3, 2011 posted by

DIY keylogger looks just like a common keyboard adapter

When we think of keyloggers, we think of them as nasty tools that someone else might use to record every stroke of our keyboard. However, there are some instances where one might have need of such a tool. Granted, most of those situations might still be considered a bit shady by some, but if you need one, you need one. The most important part when making one is to ensure that it won’t be discovered. This hack shows you how…

Continue Reading »DIY keylogger looks just like a common keyboard adapter
DIY keylogger looks just like a common keyboard adapter
Awesome May 3, 2011 posted by

Upgrade your cheap headphones for a $300 sound (without the $300 price tag)

I’m no audiophile, but I can appreciate the difference between a pair good headphones, and ones found in the dollar bin. Of course, if you really do want the best sound out there, you have to shell out the bigh bucks, right? Not if you know what you’re doing. In fact, you can turn a pair of $30 knock-off headphones into something that sounds like it would cost 10 times as much. This DIY project is for those out there…

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Upgrade your cheap headphones for a $300 sound (without the $300 price tag)
diy May 2, 2011 posted by

Take better videos with this DIY Steady Cam

When watching YouTube videos, there are two things that usually make the bad stand out from the good. These are poor audio and a shaky camera. The first can be easily remedied by using an external microphone with your camera. The latter isn’t always so easy. Sure, setting up a tripod is good if you aren’t going to be moving the camera much. However, if you’re doing shots that require you to move around, you’re going to need a steady…

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Take better videos with this DIY Steady Cam
diy April 29, 2011 posted by

Turn your old scanner into a light box for $10

When you upgrade some piece of your office equipment, what do you do with the old one? Sometimes you can find someone to use it, but some things are just too old for anyone to care much about. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you need to throw it out. With a little imagination and a bit of work, perhaps you can turn that old device into something useful again. For instance, if you have an old scanner taking up…

Continue Reading »Turn your old scanner into a light box for $10
diy April 28, 2011 posted by

Build a cheap DIY solar USB charger

Eco-friendly devices are great, for the fact that they allow us to help the environment, while still enjoying our modern technology. The biggest downside to such gadgets is that they tend to cost a good bit of money, which turns many people off to the idea. Well if you want to do your part, and don’t mind a little bit of DIY work, then you can have yourself a nice little solar USB charger for around half the cost of…

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Build a cheap DIY solar USB charger
diy April 26, 2011 posted by

Make a set of reflector flaps to keep you visible when biking at night

When riding a bike, the only thing more important than obeying the traffic laws is making sure that you can be seen by drivers. This last bit is especially vital during the evening and night, when a bicycle can be easily missed by a motorist. The two best ways to make yourself stand out are to put lights on the front and back of your bike, and have plenty of reflectors. If you want to wear some extra reflectors on…

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Make a set of reflector flaps to keep you visible when biking at night