Posts by Category: diy

Do it yourself, dude!

diy April 12, 2011 posted by

DIY Self-Disinfecting Toilet Brush

Every time the bathroom must be cleaned, I cringe at the thought of having to clean the toilet. Even though my home is pretty tidy, the thought of having to clean the toilet with a brush I used to clean the same dirty toilet before, drives me absolutely crazy. There are germs and mold just waiting for me to touch them.� Thankfully the genius Sean Michael Ragan posted a 30-minute project for building a self-disinfecting toilet brush. All you need…

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DIY Self-Disinfecting Toilet Brush
diy April 11, 2011 posted by

DIY �Air Conditioning�

When it gets hot out, turning on the air conditioning can be a bit of a wallet-buster. As the heat of summer is fast approaching, everyone is going to be looking for inexpensive way to cool his or her home. Enter in the DIY Air Conditioning that can be found on Instructables. This �air conditioning� is extremely cheap and phenomenally easy to make. All it takes is a 2-liter bottle, a pair of scissors, and some ice. All you do…

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DIY �Air Conditioning�
diy April 8, 2011 posted by

ThinkGeek wants to send you their broken electronics for DIY projects

Ever wonder what a company does with all of the broken electronics that get returned? Sure, depending on the condition, some of them might get refurbished and resold. However, a large chunk of them are beyond the company’s ability to fix with a reasonable amount of money. There are some recycling ventures out there, but those aren’t always a great solution either. So what’s left, the dump? The people over at ThinkGeek have been pondering this very problem, and they…

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ThinkGeek wants to send you their broken electronics for DIY projects
diy April 8, 2011 posted by

DIY Macro Ring helps with those really close shots

If you need to do close-up shots of an object, you’ll find that lighting can be a big issue. Since your lens will only be a short distance from your subject, it will block a good portion of the light. Your regular flash isn’t going to do much better, for the same reason. What you need is a light that is positioned around the lens itself. These are referred to as a macro ring, and can set you back a…

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DIY Macro Ring helps with those really close shots
diy April 7, 2011 posted by

Build your own tiny Bristlebot

Robots can do some pretty cool things. Some sing and dance, others sweep your floor and mow your lawn. Unfortunately most are so complicated that the average person couldn’t dream of building one from scratch. Don’t be too dismayed though, you can construct your own bot from items sitting around your house. Sure, it might not serve any functional purpose, but that doesn’t diminish the fact that you made it with your own two hands. The Bristlebot it a little…

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Build your own tiny Bristlebot
diy March 31, 2011 posted by

DIY iPhone hotshoe attachment for your DSLR

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but a picture with bad lighting will be discarded with little notice. There is an app that will guide you through DSLR settings in different lighting situations. Going by the name Pocket Light Meter, this free app uses the iPhone’s camera to detect the current lighting, and tell you what shutter speed, f-stop and ISO settings to select on your DSLR. The problem being, you have to hold your phone up to…

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DIY iPhone hotshoe attachment for your DSLR
Awesome March 25, 2011 posted by

Minitronics: Survival Pack is perfect for the MacGyvers of the world

Do you do a lot of tinkering with electronics? If so, you probably find yourself in need of various resistors, capacitors, diodes and a host of other little bits from time to time. While it’s nice to have a bunch of extras at your workbench, sometimes you need them when you aren’t at home. That’s why there’s the Minitronics: Survival Pack. This awesome kit has over 60 components that you might need in a pinch, and they are all contained…

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Minitronics: Survival Pack is perfect for the MacGyvers of the world
but is it art? March 24, 2011 posted by

Persistence Of Vision business card

If you want to let a potential employer or know how to get a hold of you, the best and easiest way to do so is to have business cards on hand. Can you imagine what the head of a company asked for your business card and you told them to hang on while you ripped a piece of paper off to write down your phone number? Needless to say if that was the case for you, the job was…

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Persistence Of Vision business card
diy March 23, 2011 posted by

DIY Coin Block is perfect for Mario lovers

The first game I ever played was the original Super Mario Bros. While nothing in that game really made sense in the real world, I always wondered why gold coins were being kept in giant boxes with question marks on them, and why hitting the box caused said coins to eject one-by-one. Well now that doesn’t seem quite so strange, as you can have your very own coin-producing block. One game-lover decided that it was high time someone other than…

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DIY Coin Block is perfect for Mario lovers
diy March 22, 2011 posted by

Magic 8 Thing is a DIY update to an old favorite

There are some toys out there that are such classics that we can�t stand but to remake them in new and fun ways. A very bored and creative individual sought out for adventure by trailing around his house for parts to a modernized Magic 8 Ball. Making use of an ATmega328, and LCD panel, and a mercury tilt switch, the Magic 8 Thing was born. It just wouldn�t have been right to call it a ball or a block, as…

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Magic 8 Thing is a DIY update to an old favorite
diy March 14, 2011 posted by

Star Wars R2-D2 Xbox 360

Well, that�s it. I�m done with trying to find a cool skin for my Xbox or some sort of fancy case. Owner of Major League Mods, Mark Bongo has created the ultimate Xbox 360 and now anything I find or make will seem inadequate. This is a somewhat large Star Wars R2-D2 Xbox 360 with a built-in projector, and on the scale of awesome, it ranks better than yours. Pretty much everything about this mod looks flawless. The projector will…

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Star Wars R2-D2 Xbox 360
but is it art? March 10, 2011 posted by

EX Vehicle is powered by two screwdrivers

When we think of bicycles and screwdrivers, we don’t naturally think of putting the two together. Let alone having the screwdrivers be the source of power. Thankfully there are some extremely creative people out there with dreams to build little cars out of bicycles and tools, and the time to put into making it a reality. Designed by Nick Ferbis, this �EX Vehicle� is a three-wheeled machine that can travel at speeds of up to 18 mph. Though it may…

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EX Vehicle is powered by two screwdrivers
diy March 8, 2011 posted by

DIY Bluetooth Glove turns your hand into a headset

Though we all do love our cell phones, the amount of times we drop, break, or lose them makes us wish we didn�t have to pull them out of our pockets to talk on them. Yes, there are those Bluetooth headsets that you can wear, but no one likes people that wear those. Thankfully, there are some geeks out there that have crafted a perfect solution, dubbed the Bluetooth Gloves. It may sound a little off, but it�s something we�ve…

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DIY Bluetooth Glove turns your hand into a headset
Awesome March 7, 2011 posted by

Build your own ring flash with fiber optic cables

Being something of an amateur photographer, I can understand the need for proper lighting. Without it, that brilliant shot you set up can end up looking a mess, regardless of what you do. Of course, buying the right flash can be a rather costly endeavor. So what does the cash-strapped photographer do? He builds his own. One particular DIY-er decided that he wanted a ring flash, without spending a ton of cash. While there are a number of solutions out…

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Build your own ring flash with fiber optic cables
Awesome March 3, 2011 posted by

DIY Sled Winch takes the hassle out of sledding

One of the best things about winter is the sledding. There just isn’t a good way to get that same rush during the warmer months. Unfortunately the downside to the fun you’re having on the hill is all of the walking you have to do between runs. If you have a good enough hill, you could spend 20 minutes or more hiking between brief runs. What you need is a quick way to get back to the top without much…

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DIY Sled Winch takes the hassle out of sledding