Posts by Category: heh heh!

Heh heh!

Fun & Games February 13, 2012 posted by

Precision Gyroscope uses science to keep spinning

Chances are, whenever you were younger, you tried your hand at spinning a top. This is one of the more frustrating toys in existence, because no matter how hard you try, you can only to get the top to keep going for a few seconds. If you managed to get more than ten seconds out of it, the only explanation would have to be sorcery and witchcraft.

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Precision Gyroscope uses science to keep spinning
Gadgets February 10, 2012 posted by

Why look at the road when you can stare at your tablet while driving?

There are a lot of things to distract a person while driving. There’s a whole world outside your car to look at, passengers to talk to, knobs and buttons to fiddle with, and so much more. Thankfully there are companies out there that are hard at work finding ways to distract you even further. The latest product in the fight against focused driving is the Satechi SCH-121 Cup Holder Mount.

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Why look at the road when you can stare at your tablet while driving?
Gadgets February 9, 2012 posted by

GoJo redefines hands-free calling

With more states banning the use of cellphones without a hands-free kit, it’s important to look into such a device to allow for talking in the car. After all, you can’t always put off important conversations until you arrive at your destination. Bluetooth is a great piece of technology that allows your phone to transmit to a separate device with a speaker and microphone. The downside to these devices is that they can be costly, hard to setup (for those…

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GoJo redefines hands-free calling
heh heh! February 7, 2012 posted by

Swimmer’s Treadmill is a mini pool that gives you a full workout

It’s really hard to find enough space for a backyard pool, and it’s even harder to find enough money to pay for one. Swimming is such good exercise that most of us would likely do it every day if we had the opportunity. If you would like a cheaper route to a typical aquatic workout, you might look at the Swimmer’s Treadmill.

Continue Reading »Swimmer’s Treadmill is a mini pool that gives you a full workout
Swimmer’s Treadmill is a mini pool that gives you a full workout
Gadgets February 6, 2012 posted by

Sauna Boy is one cute USB-powered desktop humidifier

If you have issues with your office being too dry due to the air conditioning or heating in the building, it can be a good idea to invest in a humidifier. However, you don’t really need to get a large one, since you’ll only need it for a small area. And since you’re making the investment, why not get one that looks cute?

Continue Reading »Sauna Boy is one cute USB-powered desktop humidifier
Sauna Boy is one cute USB-powered desktop humidifier
Gadgets February 3, 2012 posted by

When is a light too bright?

Some things exist in the world that are obviously going to be used for malicious purposes. Take for instance, the 15,000 Lumen LED Light Cannon. This is a self-contained light source that can blind you, with the literal flick of a button.

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When is a light too bright?
Bizarre February 1, 2012 posted by

Would you wear this knuckle duster ring?

Relationships aren’t easy, and sometimes you really have to fight to make it work. Granted, there really shouldn’t be any sort of physical fighting, as that usually isn’t healthy. But if you have a sense of humor, and want to symbolize the struggles of marriage, you might find this ‘Til Death Do Us Part Knuckle Duster rather amusing.

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Would you wear this knuckle duster ring?
but is it art? January 31, 2012 posted by

Optical Illusion Watch makes your brain work to see the time

There are many types of watches out there. Some have special functions built-in, some make sounds, and others toy with your mind. The TokyoFlash Optical Illusion Watch makes it a real challenge for your brain to tell the time by making you strain your eyes looking at an optical illusion on the face of the watch.

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Optical Illusion Watch makes your brain work to see the time
but is it art? January 31, 2012 posted by

ASIMO Costume makes you look like a real-life robot

We’ve all seen ASIMO, Honda’s advanced robot. When it was first debuted, it was the sort of thing that struck you with wonder. It made you think that maybe robots like C-3PO might actually be possible someday. Well how would you like to really make people believe something like that? No, I’m not talking about owning your own incredible robot. Instead, I’m talking about tricking people into thinking you’re one.

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ASIMO Costume makes you look like a real-life robot
Fun & Games January 24, 2012 posted by

Micro Sonic Grenade is perfect for cubical warfare

Sometimes you work in a great environment, with wonderful coworkers who are genuinely good people, and a boss that will understand if your personal life sometimes interferes with your work. Well, that’s only really normal in dream state, but it is a nice thought. Your coworkers often deserve some sort of unmentionable terror, like a dust bunny in their morning coffee.

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Micro Sonic Grenade is perfect for cubical warfare
Gadgets January 24, 2012 posted by

Cuisipro Scoop And Stack Ice Cream Scoop

Every time you order a cone of ice cream, you always hope that whoever scooped it out knows what they’re doing. If the perfect balance is not there, you’re going to be looking at a giant mess toppling over as soon as you get it. Even at home, making a sundae for yourself can be risky business with a regular scoop, as you can project ice cream all over the place if you’re not careful. There’s always running it under…

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Cuisipro Scoop And Stack Ice Cream Scoop
Fun & Games January 23, 2012 posted by

Need to spice up your table tennis games?

Table Tennis is taken extremely seriously as a sport. I mean, it’s actually part of the Olympics, so there is definitely a degree of physical exertion it takes to play this game. However, if you just want some friends over, and enjoy playing the game casually, it’s hard to get more than two to play what with all the swinging and running around. That’s why the Quad Table Tennis set is such a great option for gatherings.

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Need to spice up your table tennis games?