Posts by Category: Video

Video of the week.

Bookmark This! October 15, 2013 posted by

YouTube Center – free browser plugin gives you YouTube the way YOU want it [Freeware]

We all love YouTube, silly little girl that it is. But I don’t know about you, there are times when I wish it would be a little more obedient and let me set things up just the way I like. It’s boring having to reset image quality, size and layout each time I access a video on there. And I would also love it if it buffered properly like it used to.

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YouTube Center – free browser plugin gives you YouTube the way YOU want it [Freeware]
Gadgets October 3, 2013 posted by

GoPro Hero3+ Black Edition – new model will make you want to hug a lion right NOW [Video]

Normally a new camera model launch wouldn’t rate too much more than an excited yawm from us at the Ferret, but we’re going to make an exception with the brand new GoPro product, simply because of the company’s new promotional video which comes with the announcement. Forget about cheesy windsailing, skateboard tricks and the like, they’ve got guys HUGGING LIONS. AND IT’S AWESOME, DUDE!

Continue Reading »GoPro Hero3+ Black Edition – new model will make you want to hug a lion right NOW
GoPro Hero3+ Black Edition – new model will make you want to hug a lion right NOW [Video]
but is it art? October 2, 2013 posted by

Shipping Container Garden gives hope to unemployed containers everywhere [Video]

They say it’s an ill wind, and nowhere is this more true than in the world of the shipping containers. Thousands of these magnificent animals, the workhorse of our industrial age, have found themselves thrown on the scrap heap of life as the economic downturn bites, consigned to graveyards across the world. But there is hope, as we discovered this week on a building site in London.

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Shipping Container Garden gives hope to unemployed containers everywhere [Video]
hmm..interesting September 2, 2013 posted by

I Forgot My Phone – new video offers a plaintive reminder of how we are becoming dominated by our phones

We loves us our phones, no question. The convenience, the power, the sheer insane usefulness of these little miracle tools makes us total devotees of the small screen. But deep within our brain, lurking down where the tooth fairy lives, is the realization that sometimes we let the phone take over a little too much of our lives. Texting, emailing, searching, photographing…sometimes we forget to let go and just enjoy the moment. Know what we mean?

Continue Reading »I Forgot My Phone – new video offers a plaintive reminder of how we are becoming dominated by our phones
I Forgot My Phone – new video offers a plaintive reminder of how we are becoming dominated by our phones
music June 28, 2013 posted by

Sivu – Bodies

We featured a cracking music video from newcomer Sivu a while back, which was the first ever music video captured in a real live MRI machine, and you seemed to enjoy it. So as part of our community service obligations, and also because it’s Friday, we’re going to let you enjoy his latest track.

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Sivu – Bodies
Awesome May 28, 2013 posted by

Classic TV Commercials from 1948 – is that really the world’s first toothpaste rap?

What makes old television so compelling…especially the advertising. Is it the innocence? The lack of guile and uber slick psychological manipulation we get nowadays? Or is it the fact that they couldn’t care less about jump cuts and fast talking sales pitches in those days?

Continue Reading »Classic TV Commercials from 1948 – is that really the world’s first toothpaste rap?
Classic TV Commercials from 1948 – is that really the world’s first toothpaste rap?
cool tech March 14, 2013 posted by

Mashup! – NAO Robot vs Judson Laipply…The Evolution Of Dance

We did a mashup for fun. Switch off the sound on the left hand video, click start and then immediately click start on the right hand video for the best effect. The robot is not being remote controlled. Just think, one day these robots will be doing this without all the programming, which will be part scary and part amazing. Man and Machine in perfect harmony?

Continue Reading »Mashup! – NAO Robot vs Judson Laipply…The Evolution Of Dance
Mashup! – NAO Robot vs Judson Laipply…The Evolution Of Dance
Awesome March 5, 2013 posted by

This riveting International Space Station Video Tour is a must watch glimpse of an alien lifestyle

Ever wondered what it would be like to live on the International Space Station for six months? Think it would be easy? Well think again. Apparently not only is it a very busy place indeed, with lots of scientists doing amazing experiments and all that boffin type activity, but it also comes with its own share of weirdness. Like the fact that you don’t ever sit down. Not for 6 months or however long your tour is. No chairs you…

Continue Reading »This riveting International Space Station Video Tour is a must watch glimpse of an alien lifestyle
This riveting International Space Station Video Tour is a must watch glimpse of an alien lifestyle
Gadgets February 20, 2013 posted by

Swann Sky Eye – helicopter camera grabs great video if you can keep it aloft long enough [Review]

Remote controlled helicopters have become a popular craze. With the possible exception of Justin Bieber, they may be the most popular things on earth* (*this may be a slight exaggeration…. Justin Bieber really isn’t that popular.)

Continue Reading »Swann Sky Eye – helicopter camera grabs great video if you can keep it aloft long enough
Swann Sky Eye – helicopter camera grabs great video if you can keep it aloft long enough [Review]