Posts by Category: nice idea…

nice things, nice people,

Gadgets April 10, 2012 posted by

Dehydration Preventing Pedometer makes sure you stay hydrated

It’s getting to be that time of the year where you want to go out to the beach again. This likely means that you have been fighting off that holiday weight that you gained over the cold months. However, if you don’t treat your body well while fighting the battle against your pudge, it will do more harm than good.

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Dehydration Preventing Pedometer makes sure you stay hydrated
nice idea... April 6, 2012 posted by

A backcountry snowboarder’s best survival tool – his snowboard?

Backcountry skiers know the thrills as well as the very real dangers lurking around any corner. Having a GPS transmitter and receiver may not be enough to help keep you alive if you get caught in a serious accident or deadly avalanche. With that in mind, Signal Snowboards decided to create a unique board that could make the difference. Their Survivor Split Snowboard is part Swiss Army knife, part split board and packs a lot of innovative possibilities that could…

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A backcountry snowboarder’s best survival tool – his snowboard?
Bizarre March 13, 2012 posted by

The Action Trackchair is the ultimate off-road wheelchair

If you are, or know someone who is disabled and has to be in a wheelchair, you know that life can oftentimes be difficult. Moving on paved areas is easy of course, as your wheels and their tread will have no problem rolling along. If you should want to venture out onto the vast scape of dirt, snow, sand, clay, etc. that is beyond the concrete path, things may become a little bit more complicated.

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The Action Trackchair is the ultimate off-road wheelchair
general March 9, 2012 posted by

This Umbrella automatically adjusts itself when it’s windy outside

It’s nice to sit outside underneath an umbrella on a hot sunny day and read a book. Normally, a cool breeze would enter into this picture, and all would be well with the world as you sip on your tea. However, when mother nature decides to kick it up a notch, that umbrella protecting you from UV rays is suddenly bent or blown away from gusts of wind that are too strong.

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This Umbrella automatically adjusts itself when it’s windy outside
nice idea... January 20, 2012 posted by

Orangutans use iPads at zoos

We do love our gadgets and electronics. But apparently we aren’t the only ones. Orangutans in some zoos have been using iPads as enrichment to reduce boredom. For the past six months, these orange primates at Milwaukee zoo have been playing games and watching videos on Apple’s iPad. One of them, a 31-year old orangutan named MJ, is a big fan of David Attenborough’s nature documentaries. Zookeepers and and the charity Orangutan Outreach are now considering setting up WiFi, cameras…

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Orangutans use iPads at zoos
nice idea... December 16, 2011 posted by

London mall made of recycled shipping containers

The Brits always seem to be a step or two ahead of those of us on the other side of the “pond”. London’s Boxpark Shoreditch Mall is a great example. Made of 60 recycled shipping containers stacked two stories high and five rows wide, it features a number of trendy clothing stores. Upstairs are restaurants sporting outside tables and benches. Considered the world’s first “pop-up mall”, its stores vary in size, with some using two or three containers and featuring…

Continue Reading »London mall made of recycled shipping containers
London mall made of recycled shipping containers
nice idea... November 23, 2011 posted by

Fun solar lamps to brighten your holidays

If you’re looking for something to brighten your walkways and incorporate the holidays too, the Solar Mosaic Stake Path Light is a fun choice. These colorful, weather resistant glass stake lights come in 3 colors – green, red and multi-colored. Just eight inches tall, these lamps will shed light across your pathways for 8 to 10 hours when placed in direct sunlight and run on a single AAA 300 maHNi-Cd rechargeable battery, which is included. Made of plastic and rust-resistant…

Continue Reading »Fun solar lamps to brighten your holidays
Fun solar lamps to brighten your holidays
diy November 23, 2011 posted by

Hack a pair of IKEA lamps to hold your speakers

If you’ve got a pair of speakers for your computer, but don’t want them just sitting on your desk, you have some options. You could make a couple of shelves to put them on, but that could be a hassle, and take up valuable space. On the other hand, you could spend $20 and make a couple of swinging arm mounts for them, ensuring that they end up exactly where you need them.

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Hack a pair of IKEA lamps to hold your speakers
nice idea... November 18, 2011 posted by

Robotic bear pillow helps stop snorers

If you’re partner is a snorer, you know how hard it is to get a good night’s sleep. I used to be married to one and I remember heading to bed before he did in hopes I’d fall asleep quickly before the evening “symphony” started. The Jukusui-Kun robotic bear pillow, demonstrated at the recent International Robot Exhibition (IREX) in Tokyo, could be a couple’s best friend. The sleeper wears a pulse-oxygen meter attached to his / her hand which sends…

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Robotic bear pillow helps stop snorers
nice idea... October 28, 2011 posted by

A unique merry-go-round at the Los Angeles Zoo

As kids we grew up with merry-go-rounds with wooden horses, carousel music and dreams of a brass ring. The Los Angeles Zoo has come up with an updated version, complete with a variety of endangered species. The new Tom Mankiewicz Conservation Carousel opened October 27th features 66 hand-carved wooden animal figures – including Siberian tigers, baby rhinos and a tapir, all on the endangered species list. This unique carousel will help raise money for the Los Angeles Zoo through single…

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A unique merry-go-round at the Los Angeles Zoo
nice idea... October 21, 2011 posted by

New solar bridge being built at Blackfriars Railway Station

Londoners are in the midst of a solar revolution. A new solar bridge is being built on the roof of Blackfriars Railway station in the heart of London. Blackfriars Bridge will have over 6,000 square meters (64,583 sq.ft.) of solar panels, to take care of half of the station’s power needs. This will make it the biggest solar array in the city and the world’s largest solar bridge. The bridge will feature over 4,000 high-efficiency Sanyo HIT photovoltaic panels and…

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New solar bridge being built at Blackfriars Railway Station