Posts by Category: Bizarre

So, how weird is THAT?

Bizarre February 21, 2011 posted by

FlapFlap Floor Lamp

There are a lot of creative and scary lamp, fountains, and prank toys that are very deceiving in that they look like they�re going to fall over. This was designed by Bruno fur Form in Germany and looks a bit like it’s doing a hand stand…well…lamp…cord..stand? This confusing lamp looks like it’s defying gravity because of it’s reinforced �cable� that is actually a stand. The lamp maintains a cool composure even though it looks like it’s about to take off…

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FlapFlap Floor Lamp
Bizarre February 16, 2011 posted by

Wind-up AA batteries seem like a terrible idea

We’re always looking for new ways to charge our mobile gadgets. Wind, sunlight, fuel cells, you name it. These all seem to rely on an external device pushing power to a rechargeable battery. However, what if the charging mechanism was built into the battery itself? That’s the idea behind this wind-up Charge Batteries. Yes, I did just say wind-up batteries, and it’s exactly what you’re thinking. Imagine a AA battery that you can wind in order to generate a charge….

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Wind-up AA batteries seem like a terrible idea
Bizarre February 15, 2011 posted by

Scaloupe gives you an up-close and personal look at your scalp

Have you ever taken a close look at the top of your head? There’s a good chance you haven’t. After all, it’s not the easiest of places to look at without some sort of assistance. One company has decided that we should be checking our scalps more often, and crafted a gadget that’s meant to help do that. The Scaloupe is essentially a webcam that’s designed to be used only about an inch or so from your head. It’s built…

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Scaloupe gives you an up-close and personal look at your scalp
Bizarre February 14, 2011 posted by

Carnivorous Clock tells time, kills flies

Looking for a clock that is powered by a renewable resource that you don’t have to pay for? Well this� Carnivorous Clock might be just what you’re looking for, especially if you have a fly problem. This timepiece is quite eco-friendly as it doesn�t run off of electricity or need batteries, but it has to eat flies to continue to run. The whole process is decomposition and whoever thought of it must really hate flies. This fancy time-keeper uses a…

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Carnivorous Clock tells time, kills flies
Bizarre February 7, 2011 posted by

Robot Desk Lamp is both stylish and functional

When purchasing a lamp, we look for things that are aesthetically pleasing, because they don�t have much other purpose than to give off light. Well what if there were more to a lamp than just the ability to illuminate a room? The Robot Desk Lamp is a fun new way to light up your place, and hold random objects while doing so. It looks a bit like an angry drawing mannequin, but can be moved at the joint to however…

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Robot Desk Lamp is both stylish and functional
Bizarre February 2, 2011 posted by

Valet iPad Seat Bolt Mount gives you an extra distraction on the road

There are tons of distractions on the road. You have to worry about reckless drivers, animals, random road debris and countless other things. There has to be a CEO sitting in a chair somewhere thinking, �How can I make this worse?� Then the Valet iPad Seat Bolt Mount was created. Holding your iPad in carbon fiber, 360-degree maneuverable claws, this is definitely a way for you to get yourself in a wreck. In style! There is some practical use to…

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Valet iPad Seat Bolt Mount gives you an extra distraction on the road
Bizarre January 20, 2011 posted by

Dog Dung Vacuum makes quick work of cleaning up after your dog

Dogs are a man�s best friends. They play with us, provide company, and even save us from time to time. Their poop however, is something that dog owners wish they could get around, or avoid altogether. If it sounds disgusting, it is exactly as gross as you think it is. To pick up after your pooch takes a dump is both humiliating, and has the potential to start up your gag reflex. A solution has finally been created that will…

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Dog Dung Vacuum makes quick work of cleaning up after your dog
Bizarre January 17, 2011 posted by

Post on Twitter using Morse code

There are very few ways in which Twitter can be made more available to us. We already have it programmed into our phones, on our computer, and we have our friends tweet for us if we don�t have our own tech around. There are some of us though, who want to go back to the way things were. A simpler, yet much more difficult time that had Morse code dots and dashes to get letters out bit by bit instead…

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Post on Twitter using Morse code
Bizarre January 14, 2011 posted by

ScentScape brings smells to your movies

Have you ever gone to a movie and wanted to feel like you were really there? As if all the smells and sounds were real? This year at CES, ScentSciences released a bread loaf sized product that appeals to your nose�of all things. Movies that have been created with their ScentEditor software can make you smell all the smells that you would imagine to be on screen. It�s kind of a creepy way to put you more into the movie,…

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ScentScape brings smells to your movies
Bizarre December 29, 2010 posted by

Fake Gift Boxes adds laughter to your presents

Yes, the holidays have passed, but that doesn’t mean that the gift-giving is over until next December. There are still birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and other reasons to exchange presents. If you’re like me, you probably enjoy a harmless prank here and there. Combine that with a love for giving gifts, and you’ve got yourself a perfect reason to buy these Fake Gift Boxes. Imagine unwrapping a gift, and staring at a box for something called the Pet Petter, which claims…

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Fake Gift Boxes adds laughter to your presents
Bizarre December 24, 2010 posted by

Kackel Dackel is the strange game where you pick up dog poo

We had some pretty weird games when I was a kid. From elaborate ways to trap a mouse to one where you tried to sneak around and not wake your dad. However, this Kackel Dackel may very well take the cake. It’s a children’s game that revolves around a Dachshund eating food, and pooping. You have to wonder who comes up with this sort of thing. I mean, I can’t ever remember a time where I enjoyed cleaning up after…

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Kackel Dackel is the strange game where you pick up dog poo
Bizarre December 20, 2010 posted by

Move the clutter from your desk to your monitor with the LCD Monitor Hub Station

When you spend a lot of time at your desk, it’s not uncommon for things to get cluttered on top of it. It starts with a few pieces of paper and writing utensils. Then a couple of sticky notes to remind you of things, and a useful gadget here and there. Next thing you know, you’ve barely any room to do anything other than use your mouse and keyboard. So how do you combat the clutter? Well you could use…

Continue Reading »Move the clutter from your desk to your monitor with the LCD Monitor Hub Station
Move the clutter from your desk to your monitor with the LCD Monitor Hub Station
Bizarre December 16, 2010 posted by

Wasabi Alarm uses smell to wake the hearing impaired

I’m the kind of person that wakes up at the smallest of sounds. Simply the squeaking of my bedroom door can have me sitting straight up in bed. This is a useful trait, especially for someone who has roommates that might harbor the ideas of pranking them. It also means that in case of a fire, I’ll no doubt be the first one to wake up. Unfortunately not everyone wakes up so easily. Some people can sleep right through a…

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Wasabi Alarm uses smell to wake the hearing impaired
Bizarre December 15, 2010 posted by

Tweetwrap lets you cover your gifts in tweets

It seems that custom wrapping paper is in style this year. First we had the terribly-named QRapping Paper, now Samsung (of all people) has started offering Tweetwrap. As the name implies, this wrapping paper relies on Twitter for your customization. You can specify a keyword or username to populate the Twitterific pattern on your paper. Apparently the paper is part of a promotion for one of Samsung’s laptops, however, the paper itself seems far more interesting. It is a little…

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Tweetwrap lets you cover your gifts in tweets