Posts by Category: Bizarre

So, how weird is THAT?

Bizarre December 13, 2010 posted by

ANDREA air purifier uses a common household plant to clean your air

Air purifiers aren’t uncommon items to find in a house, especially if you’re in the presence of a germaphobe. There are a variety of methods to clean the air, including UV light, filters, and ionization. But have you seen one that uses a houseplant? Well that’s exactly what this ANDREA purifier does. It features a plant in a special casing which draws in polluted air, and uses the plant’s natural metabolic energy to clean it. The air is then pumped…

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ANDREA air purifier uses a common household plant to clean your air
Bizarre December 13, 2010 posted by

Snapkeys wants to revolutionize the way you type on your iPhone

With the rise of touchscreen mobile devices, we have also seen the frustration of typing on a surface with no tactile feedback. This takes some getting used to, and even after a couple of years, still isn’t quite as comfortable (to me at lest) as using an actual QWERTY keyboard of sorts. Well here’s a new piece of software called SnapKeys that will supposedly revolutionize the way we type on our touchscreen devices. I have to say, even after watching…

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Snapkeys wants to revolutionize the way you type on your iPhone
Bizarre December 10, 2010 posted by

Hand Paper Shredder lets you shred your documents by hand

I’ve never had the need for a paper shredder, though I can understand why some people might. If you have sensitive paperwork that you need to dispose of, you might not want to leave it in tact for others to find in the trash. I suppose I just don’t have a lot of sensitive information to throw away, as I get most important documents online. So what does one do if they only need to destroy a few pieces of…

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Hand Paper Shredder lets you shred your documents by hand
Bizarre December 8, 2010 posted by

Large Pocket Shirt lives up to its name

You know those t-shirts that have a little pocket on one side? What exactly do people use those pockets for, other than a pack of cigarettes? Maybe a cell phone, but not much else seems to fit in that little pocket. What you really need is a pocket that spans your entire chest. Then you can cram your phone, wallet, car keys, and probably some of your groceries too. You can get this Large Pocket Shirt for $30. Better yet,…

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Large Pocket Shirt lives up to its name
Bizarre December 7, 2010 posted by

Cup Shitsuki looks like ramen, is actually a portable humidifier

Sometimes when you’re stuffed up from a cold, it’s nice to use a humidifier to alleviate some of that congestion. Of course, lugging one around isn’t always an option, as they can be rather bulky. So instead, why not try this portable model, which also happens to look like a cup of ramen. The small device can be powered by either a free USB port on your computer, or a regular wall adapter. Just add a bit of water, and…

Continue Reading »Cup Shitsuki looks like ramen, is actually a portable humidifier
Cup Shitsuki looks like ramen, is actually a portable humidifier
Bizarre December 6, 2010 posted by

Pentax unleashes a special edition robot DSLR

How many times have you been out shooting with your fancy DSLR and thought to yourself �this camera just doesn’t attract enough attention.�? A very common problem, right? Thankfully there are a few solutions out there. First, you can get yourself a gigantic telephoto lens. If you’ve got a lens that’s over a foot long, someone is bound to take notice. Your other option is to just scrap your camera altogether and pick up this Pentax K-r DSLR, which is…

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Pentax unleashes a special edition robot DSLR
Bizarre December 3, 2010 posted by

Turn Google Translate into a virtual beatboxer

Google is a company that seems to make everything. No longer limited to simply assisting you in searching the web, the do everything from delivering email to changing the way you interact with your phone. One of their lesser-known tools is a virtual beatboxer. Okay, so it’s not an �official� tool, but it works, and it’s hilarious. What you need to do is head over to Google Translate and make sure that you’re going from German to German. Now add…

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Turn Google Translate into a virtual beatboxer
Bizarre December 3, 2010 posted by

Beat Poet Concrete Rings make a fashion statement

Think back to all of the jewelry you’ve owned over the years. What base materials were they made out of? If I had to guess, sterling silver, gold, and silver probably rank pretty high on the list for most of you. I’d even go so far as to assume that none of you listed concrete. I can’t imagine many people in the world who would want to wear a piece of concrete around every day. They do exist though, these…

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Beat Poet Concrete Rings make a fashion statement
Bizarre December 3, 2010 posted by

Away in a Manger – GPS trackers and the saga of the disappearing nativity scenes

Apparently every year around this time there’s a deluge of reports of nativity scenes which have been vandalised in towns and cities all over the USA. This year, security company BrickHouse is again doing their civic duty –  along with a smart bit of marketing –  by supplying free GPS trackers to ‘churches and communities’ across the nation to help prevent theft and vandalism of these symbolic scenes. Quite why so many manger scenes are disrupted in this way is a mystery, but hopefully…

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Bizarre December 2, 2010 posted by

Buy your own life-size space shuttle replica

How many of you wanted to grow up to be an astronaut? Something tells me that not many of you have actually managed to make it into outer space. Unfortunately the life of an astronaut seems to lose its appeal when you realize that you won’t spend the majority of your time exploring new worlds or jumping around in the moon’s lax gravity. That’s alright though, you can still pretend to be one. No, I don’t mean that you should…

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Buy your own life-size space shuttle replica
Bizarre December 1, 2010 posted by

American Express now lets you exchange reward points for FarmVille credit

I’m starting to think that I’m the last person to use FaceBook without ever playing FarmVille. It’s probably for the best, as it seems to be one of the most addicting games� known to man. A while back they introduced FarmVille credit, which allowed you to exchange real money for virtual items in the game. That seemed crazy enough, but now things have gone even further. American Express will now allow you to trade in reward points for FarmVille credit….

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American Express now lets you exchange reward points for FarmVille credit
Bizarre November 22, 2010 posted by

Eyelid Stickers – help you snooze while looking weirdly almost awake

These rather creepy Eyelid Stickers let you snooze at work while appearing fully…ahem…weird? Yeah weird, not so much awake. Anyway they’ve been around a while, but we thought they were a perfect gift to mention as we approach the festival season. $1.19 a pair.  This funny gadget let you sleep in office or during lesson. Can’t find any reason not buy one pair for your friends. Tags: eyelid+stickers, novelty, gadget

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Bizarre November 10, 2010 posted by

Canine Twitterer – Twitter products jump the shark…er…dog

The Canine Twitterer is a pet tag that automatically Tweets messages according to the animals actions at any one time. The thing works by transmitting any of 500 ‘funny’ messages via a wireless dongle attached to a laptop up to 100 feet away. So either this thing is designed for garden use only, or you’re going to spend a lot of time chasing your dog through the streets on your skateboard carrying a computer. Great way to spam Twitter, eh? $29.95….

Continue Reading »Canine Twitterer – Twitter products jump the shark…er…dog
Bizarre November 5, 2010 posted by

What is a music track worth?

Help me out here, a little confused. I’ve just read that Jammie Thomas is currently liable to pay the record labels $1.5 million for illegally sharing 24 songs, which seems to value each track at an astonishing $62,500. But hold on. Over here on this site I read with amazement that the major insurance companies are valuing the average music *collection* at a mere £85.00, and only 10% of insurers will offer cover for downloaded music collections over £2000 in…

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