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Tone Analyzer – make sure that email isn’t accidently angry

By now most people are aware that tone does not convey well over the internet. You may mean a comment to be lighthearted and funny and it comes off across the screen as a declaration of war. Even between friends, navigating written communication can be tricky. The Tone Analyzer wants to help you get the feeling of your message across easier.

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Tone Analyzer – make sure that email isn’t accidently angry
diy July 27, 2015

ROBOTIS Bioloid Premium Kit – a robot kit for the brave

There are many kits on the market today that can help you build your own personal robot. Of course these little machines are generally very simple and not likely to be able to do anything cool like fetch drinks or protect your home from invaders. The ROBOTIS Bioloid Premium Kit won’t help you build a Terminator either but it gets a bit closer to it.

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ROBOTIS Bioloid Premium Kit – a robot kit for the brave
Gadgets July 25, 2015

LED Foot Pain Reliever – NASA technology to the rescue for poor tired tootsies

Hands up if you’ve ever had painful feet. Yep, same here. We all get pain in the feet at some time or another, because we walk around a lot. That’s good of course, but it can lead to problems if we’re wearing unsuitable shoes or staying on our feet for too many harsh, unyielding hours. Properly fitting footwear can help of course, but there’s also another solution it seems.

Continue Reading »LED Foot Pain Reliever – NASA technology to the rescue for poor tired tootsies
LED Foot Pain Reliever – NASA technology to the rescue for poor tired tootsies

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