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Eco Friendly January 3, 2019

Cloud Seeding – this science fiction concept is a reality

Snow, it’s more important than people think. If you’re just living in a city, it’s the white stuff that makes your morning commute a hassle but for people in certain parts of the world that rely on winter snowfall to create the green pastures of spring, the lack of it is causing big problems. No worries though, science can make more with cloud seeding but it has some drawbacks.

Continue Reading »Cloud Seeding – this science fiction concept is a reality
Cloud Seeding – this science fiction concept is a reality
Eco Friendly January 3, 2019

Sustainable Options for Food Waste – startups are beginning to tackle this yummy problem

We waste a lot of food. Like, as a society, not just the leftovers that you let go off in your fridge. We throw out food from restaurants, grocery stores, and even before it makes it to those places for not being pretty enough and startups are beginning to fight this problem.

Continue Reading »Sustainable Options for Food Waste – startups are beginning to tackle this yummy problem
Sustainable Options for Food Waste – startups are beginning to tackle this yummy problem
Cool Web Apps & Sites December 31, 2018

CuriosityStream – the streaming service for documentaries

Tired of just binge watching Netflix? Afraid your brain is melting from all the amazing movies and shows? Well then make a promise to yourself for the new year to learn some things. Still in the form of visual media of course because it’s the future and that’s what we got. CuriosityStream is the streaming service for documentaries.

Continue Reading »CuriosityStream – the streaming service for documentaries
CuriosityStream – the streaming service for documentaries

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